
My family came to what is now Boulder, Colorado, arriving when Boulder was three months old. My Great-great-grandfather was Carson W. Arbuthnot and with him, he brought his four sons and a son-in-law. Since a little child I have loved the history of this beautiful mountain area, the legacy's of the Natives who were here when my family arrived, and the way our community has grown to what it is today. My blog is dedicated to seeking evidence of all that happened. The good, the bad and the ugly, I will share the evidence of what I find.

I also share Boulder County and Colorado History through entertaining storytelling. Dressed as one of my early Boulder County ancestors, I will make you laugh, smile and sometimes cry as I share the stories of the people who came before us and who established these communities that we enjoy today. Please visit my storytelling and events pages for information on performances.

Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy your time here.

Donlyn Arbuthnot

Saturday, March 9, 2019

March 9, 1942 Diary

Monday, 68th Day - 297 Days to Follow

Written by Margie Arbuthnot

Wind blew terribly hard last nite.
I washed today but the wind blew so hard this A.M.
I didn't have them until this P.M. but all got dried.
And I got the ironing done.
A cave in at the brick plant at Valmont - one man killed and five injured.

What a sad day for the Goddard family as their 21 year old son was killed in this accident.
The Valmont brick plant was located at the base of Valmont Butte.  There were several kilns there that baked the bricks.  When five men were loading the brick oven, two other men were on top of the oven, on the roof.  When the roof of the oven gave in, the men inside were crushed by the bricks, killing one young man who was a fairly new employee at the plant.  A devastating accident that rocked not only Valmont but all of Boulder County.  Not surprising that Grandma mentions the event in her diary.  

Thanks to Marti at the Carnegie Branch Library for Local History, Boulder Public Library for helping me to learn more about this event.  Here are the photos and newspaper article that she found for us to learn from.  For more information about this and other events, please visit this library - they are a treasure trove of our local people and history.

Kiln at the Valmont Brick Plant
Photo courtesy of the Carnegie Branch Library for Local History,
Boulder Public Library

Boulder Daily Camera
March 9, 1942
Valmont Butte and Valmont Brick Plant
Photo courtesy of the Carnegie Branch Library for Local History,
Boulder Public Library

More photos can be seen here.

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