
My family came to what is now Boulder, Colorado, arriving when Boulder was three months old. My Great-great-grandfather was Carson W. Arbuthnot and with him, he brought his four sons and a son-in-law. Since a little child I have loved the history of this beautiful mountain area, the legacy's of the Natives who were here when my family arrived, and the way our community has grown to what it is today. My blog is dedicated to seeking evidence of all that happened. The good, the bad and the ugly, I will share the evidence of what I find.

I also share Boulder County and Colorado History through entertaining storytelling. Dressed as one of my early Boulder County ancestors, I will make you laugh, smile and sometimes cry as I share the stories of the people who came before us and who established these communities that we enjoy today. Please visit my storytelling and events pages for information on performances.

Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy your time here.

Donlyn Arbuthnot

Saturday, January 26, 2019

January 26, 1942 Diary

Monday 26th Day - 339 Days to Follow

Written by Margie Arbuthnot

22 degrees at 7 A.M.  A very nice day.
I washed this A.M.
Canned apples this P.M.
Letter from Nora today.  
I have a slight cold today.  
Tired and sleepy so will go to bed now.
8:30 now - 28 degrees at 8 tonight.

Grandma made the best!

Apple Sauce and Apple Leather

peal and core good cooling apples like Golden Delicious or MacIntosh
cut up the apples into chunks and put into a pot
add water half way up the pot (apples don't need to be covered in water)
simmer until apples are soft
add some sugar - half a cup to a cup depending on taste and size of pot
add some cinnamon and some nutmeg, dash of cloves 
keep simmering until liquid has reduced and apples are mush
mash with a potato masher

serve warm or cold

For apple leather, continue to cook down until very little moisture left.
smash apples with apple masher again
spread evenly onto a big cookie pan (might want to line the pan with wax paper)
cover with a cloth and leave out to dry
once the sauce is completely dry, cut leather into strips and roll up to store
wrap in wax paper to keep

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